What’s in it for You?
✓ Insured Benefits
✓ Emergency Service Benefits
✓ Emergi-Guard
✓ Roadside Assist
✓ Household Assist
Insured Benefits
Cover for Illness or Accident related to emergency evacuations.
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Activate the Medical Panic button on the EMERGIVAC Mobile App to summon the nearest medical emergency response vehicle. Paramedics will assess your condition and, if necessary, transport you to the nearest private healthcare facility. EMERGIVAC will coordinate your hospital admission.
Coverage options for accident-only or accident and illness emergencies.
Benefit Amount:
Individual: Up to R150,000 per year and per event.
Family: Up to R375,000 per year and per event, with individual limits per insured life.
Accidental Disability Benefit
Receive up to R20,000 if you or your spouse become disabled due to an accident.
Accidental Death Benefit
A benefit of R20,000 is paid to your nominated beneficiary in the event of death resulting from an accident.
All incidents are automatically recorded in the Customer Experience Centre and overseen by EMERGIVAC Assist staff for additional case management and oversight, even though the process is fully autonomous.
emergency Service Benefits
24/7 Assistance for emergencies, when you need it most.
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Helicopter Evacuation Guarantee
Air ambulance transport to the nearest healthcare facility if your condition requires it.
Benefit Amount
Individual: R75,000
Family: R150,000
Medical & Trauma Assist:
- 24/7 emergency medical advice.
- R5,000 Casualty Room guarantee for minor medical, accident, or trauma incidents.
- Emotional support and tele-counselling.
- Assistance for stranded minors.
- Repatriation or return of mortal remains.
- Confidential non-emergency medical guidance.
- Covid-19 advice helpline.
- Gender-based violence (GBV) advice.
- Patient transfer to the most suitable medical facility.
- Life-saving medication and emergency blood transfer.
Benefit Amount
Individual: R10,000 per year
Family: R20,000 per year
Access armed response providers instantly in major metro areas of South Africa, 24/7.
Press the Emergi-Guard button for the nearest armed response vehicle dispatched to your precise GPS location.
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- Limited to 4 incidents per year, then available on a fee-for-service basis.
- Mobile response available anywhere, anytime.
- Autonomous dispatch for faster response.
- GPS pinpointed incidents for quicker assistance.
- Eliminates unnecessary links for faster help.
All incidents are automatically logged in the Customer Experience Centre, overseen by EMERGIVAC Assist staff, despite the fully autonomous process.
Roadside Assist
24/7 assistance for mechanical or electrical breakdowns.
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Benefits include
- Towing within a 40km radius to the nearest repairer.
- Towing to the nearest repairer beyond 40km (costs covered up to R1,500).
For distances over 100km from home:
- Car hire (up to R500, terms apply).
- Overnight accommodation (up to R500, subject to availability).
- Vehicle repatriation (up to R500, if over 100km from home).
- Vehicle locksmith (call-out fee + first hour labor).
- Flat tire assistance (call-out fee + first hour labor; repair/replacement not covered).
- Out of fuel (call-out + first hour labor; fuel cost not covered).
- Flat battery jump-start (may risk electronics; tow recommended).
- Taxi service for occupants during towing (client’s expense).
- Message relay service upon client request.
Annual limit: R2,000 per policy.
Excludes vehicles over 3500kg.
EMERGIVAC Assist is not liable for unauthorized repair or towing costs.
Household Assist
24/7 assistance for household breakdowns.
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Benefits include coverage for service providers’ call-out fee and first-hour labor for
- Plumbers
- Glaziers
- Large appliances
- Electricians
- Locksmiths
Not Covered
- Part replacements (quoted separately)
- Appliances older than 8 years
- Appliance replacements
- Municipal connections
- Repairs outside client’s property
Annual Limit: R2,000 per policy.
Peace of mind features at your fingertips
EMERGIVAC™ is a product of The Activation Agency (Pty) Ltd, Acacia Building (Block F), Ground Floor, 59 Woodlands Avenue, Hurlingham, Sandton, 2196. The emergency service benefits are provided by The Activation Agency (Pty) LTD. These services are only valid within the borders of South Africa. All values stated are inclusive of VAT. For service terms and conditions visit www.emergivac.co.za
The covered benefits of the EMERGIVAC Plan are underwritten by Clientèle Life Assurance Company Limited, a licensed long-term insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No. 15268. Company Registration No. 1973/016606/06. EMERGIVAC is an immediate medical emergency product and is not a medical aid.
EMERGIVAC™ is a product of The Activation Agency (Pty) Ltd, Acacia Building (Block F), Ground Floor, 59 Woodlands Avenue, Hurlingham, Sandton, 2196. The emergency service benefits are provided by The Activation Agency (Pty) LTD. These services are only valid within the borders of South Africa. All values stated are inclusive of VAT. For service terms and conditions visit www.emergivac.co.za
The covered benefits of the EMERGIVAC Plan are underwritten by Clientèle Life Assurance Company Limited, a licensed long-term insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No. 15268. Company Registration No. 1973/016606/06. EMERGIVAC is an immediate medical emergency product and is not a medical aid.